
Updated December 14, 2023 | Verified
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Hebrew for "God perseveres, contends."



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1 words, 6 letters, 3 consonants, 3 vowels

How To Pronounce Isreal in English?

Facts About 'Isreal'

  • The name "Israel" has a rich history and cultural significance in the Jewish faith.
  • The name "Israel" means "God contends" or "God struggles" in Hebrew.
  • The name "Israel" was first given to the biblical patriarch Jacob, who was later renamed Israel by God after he wrestled with an angel.
  • The name "Israel" has been used as a synonym for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
  • The name "Israel" has been associated with strength, courage, and resilience, reflecting the struggles and triumphs of the Jewish people throughout history.
  • The name "Israel" has been used in various contexts, including literature, art, music, and politics, to represent the Jewish people and their homeland.
  • The name "Israel" has been a source of inspiration for many people, including Jews and non-Jews, who admire the history, culture, and values of the Jewish people.
  • The name "Israel" has been used as a symbol of hope and redemption, reflecting the belief in a better future for the Jewish people and humanity as a whole.
  • The name "Israel" has been associated with the idea of a promised land, where the Jewish people can live in peace and prosperity.
  • The name "Israel" has been a source of controversy and debate, with some people criticizing the actions of the Israeli government or questioning the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
  • Overall, the name "Israel" carries a deep significance and emotional resonance for many people, reflecting the complex history, culture, and identity of the Jewish people.

Numerology & Gematria For Isreal

Expression (Destiny) Number

Destiny/Expression Number in Numerology reflects your life's purpose and inherent qualities. It reveals the path you're meant to take, giving insights into your goals and potential impact.


Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number, in numerology, represents the innermost desires and motivations that drive an individual. It's derived from the vowels in a person's name and offers insights into their emotional and spiritual inclinations.


The 6 Heart's Desire points to compassion and caring. You're patient and empathetic, putting a lot of focus on helping and caring for your family, loved ones, and close pals.

Gematria Value

Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher.

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