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1 words, 4 letters, 1 consonants, 3 vowels

How To Pronounce Esau in English?

Facts About 'Esau'

  • The name 'Esau' is of Hebrew origin, meaning "hairy" or "rough."
  • In the Bible, Esau is the elder son of Isaac and Rebekah, and the brother of Jacob.
  • Esau is known for his red hair and beard, which is mentioned in the Bible as a distinguishing characteristic.
  • The name 'Esau' has been used in various cultures and languages, including Arabic, where it is spelled 'Isa,' and in Latin America, where it is spelled 'Esau.'
  • In some cultures, the name 'Esau' is associated with strength and bravery, as Esau is depicted as a skilled hunter and warrior in the Bible.
  • The name 'Esau' has been used in literature and art, including in William Shakespeare's play 'As You Like It,' where the character Esau is a rough and uncivilized man.
  • In some religious traditions, Esau is seen as a symbol of the flesh and the natural world, while Jacob is seen as a symbol of the spirit and the divine.
  • The story of Esau and Jacob has been interpreted in various ways throughout history, including as a allegory for the struggle between good and evil, or as a representation of the conflict between nature and culture.
  • The name 'Esau' has been used in popular culture, including in music, such as in the song 'Esau' by the band 'The Mars Volta.'
  • In some cultures, the name 'Esau' is associated with the wilderness and the outdoors, as Esau is depicted as a skilled hunter and outdoorsman in the Bible.

Numerology & Gematria For Esau

Expression (Destiny) Number

Destiny/Expression Number in Numerology reflects your life's purpose and inherent qualities. It reveals the path you're meant to take, giving insights into your goals and potential impact.


Expression Number 1 signifies a journey of independence and leadership. Individuals with this number excel when taking the lead in new endeavors. Your destiny involves embracing originality and pioneering spirit, setting the tone for others to follow.

Personality Number

Numerology's Personality Number delves into how you project yourself and how others perceive you. It provides insights into your daily interactions.


Expression Number 1 signifies a journey of independence and leadership. Individuals with this number excel when taking the lead in new endeavors. Your destiny involves embracing originality and pioneering spirit, setting the tone for others to follow.

Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number, in numerology, represents the innermost desires and motivations that drive an individual. It's derived from the vowels in a person's name and offers insights into their emotional and spiritual inclinations.


The 9 Heart's Desire? You're all about philanthropy and idealism. Sensitive and emotional, you aim for perfection and seek approval for your good deeds and achievements.

Gematria Value

Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher.

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